Our job

It is by (almost) all weathers that our crews work, by day and by night, from January to December, to supply the stalls of fish shops. Our specialties ? Norway Lobster of course, best known at home as the « demoiselle of Loctudy », but also monkfish, always appreciated for its delicate flesh. Here is how our ships fish it.

Fishing technique

Trawling is one of the most common fishing technique, which can be used in several ways : bottom trawling, pelagic trawling or beam trawling.


Bottom trawling mainly targets demersal species, which live near the seabed, and benthic species, which live on the seabed. .

Fishing areas

Celtic Sea

Located between western England and southern Ireland, it is there that Ar Laeres, Hent an Heol and Hent ar Mor fish the « demoiselle of Loctudy ».

They generally need not less than a day to reach their fishing zone.

Western Britanny 

It is at the border between the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay. This area is practiced by our three ships targeting monkfish, the Connemara, the Laura and the St Alour.

Fishing zones : VIIf, VIIg, VIIh, VIIj VIIIa